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Retinal Detachment

Be Eye Wise and understand that retinal detachment occurs when the retina is pulled away from the cell layer of the eye. This can range from a partial tear to a complete detachment. The retina itself is the material that sends impulses to the brain through the optic nerve, making it a critical aspect of your vision.

There are three main types of retinal detachment:

Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment occurs when fluid leaks through a hole in the retina and flows under it, separating the retina from the cell layer that nourishes it.

Tractional retinal detachment occurs when scar tissue on the retina contracts and separates from the cell layer that nourishes it.

Exudative retinal detachment occurs when fluid leaks into the area under the retina but does not cause retinal tears.

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Symptoms of retinal detachment can include:

  • Floaters (the appearance of light flashes or a “curtain” over your field of vision) and the sudden increase in the number of floaters.
  • A ring of floaters on the outside of your vision.
  • Brief flashes of light in your peripheral vision.

Causes of retinal detachment can include:

Retinal detachment treatment:

In most cases, retinal detachment can be successfully treated. Some retinal detachment treatments may require a brief hospital stay. Your Northwest Eye doctor will be with you throughout the entire process. Treatment options include:

  • Laser surgery – A laser treatment that helps “weld” the retina back in place by making tiny burns around the retinal tear.
  • Cryopexy – A freezing treatment that helps reattach the retina by freezing the area around the retinal tear.
  • Vitrectomy -– A surgical treatment that involves replacing the gel-like substance in the eye with gas, which creates pressure that holds the retina in place.
  • Scleral buckle – The surgical placement of a scleral buckle (a tiny synthetic band) that gently holds the eyeball and the detached retina together.

Retinal detachment treatment outcomes are not always predictable and subsequent treatments may be necessary.

To learn all you can about retinal detachment, Be Eye Wise and schedule an appointment with a Northwest Eye doctor. Because the more you know, the better you see.


Serving Our Community

With six locations throughout the Twin Cities metro area, Northwest Eye is among the largest eye care providers in the Midwest. Be Eye Wise and schedule a general eye exam or a specific service consultation today. We have optical  at the following offices:  Golden Valley, Minnetonka, Maple Grove, St. Anthony, and Wayzata, MN.

8501 Golden Valley Rd.,
Suite 100 & 200
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Additional Golden Valley Information
12501 Whitewater Drive, Suite 110
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Additional Minnetonka (Crosstown) Information
12501 Whitewater Drive
Suite 320
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Additional Crosstown Surgery Center Information
12000 Elm Creek Blvd N., Suite 100
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Additional Maple Grove Information
2601 39th Ave NE., Suite 1
St. Anthony, MN 55421
Additional St. Anthony Information
250 Central Ave N., Suites 105 & 107, Optical Suite 106
Wayzata, MN 55391
Additional Wayzata Information
7125 Tamarack Rd, Suite 150,
Woodbury, MN 55125
Additional Woodbury Information
11091 Ulysses St NE., Suite 400
Blaine, MN 55434
Additional Blaine Surgery Center Information
9801 Dupont Ave S., Suite 100
Bloomington, MN 55431
Additional Bloomington Surgery Center Information
10709 Wayzata Blvd., Suites 100 & 120
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Additional Minnetonka Surgery Center Information